Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Stick it out!!

People! Do you think that everyone just gives up on things in life......NO! If that were true, we wouldn't have a light bulb, or computers, or Iphones!! So why is it we feel like we can just give up, when our marriages get hard!

Ok I am better and maybe this part wont be yelling. But I am frustrated that so many think it is ok to get divorced simply because it is too hard, or there is no more spark. Come on, sparks are made, and the happiest of couples have had there down time too!! They just stuck through it and are stronger for it.

Babies, buying new houses, kids living with us longer then they should, family dieing, and more, can cause a person to at different. A person acting different can be a reason why you may not feel a "spark." (hate that)(the word) Sometimes you need to "use your words." (as we tell children and then forget ourselves) Tell them what you need, want, or even (shocker) how you feel.

Don't get me wrong, I don't judge anyone for being divorced or getting one. I just think everyone now a days gives up too easy. The grass is not greener on the other side, and you will be lonely. I have many close friends and family who are divorced and it does not make them a bad person, I am looking at the thought put into a divorced not the people. Again, no judgment, just thoughts. There are reasons for divorce, I just don't like the lazy reasons.

1 comment:

  1. I totally agree that it has become too easy to give up. Anything worth having is worth working for.
