Thursday, October 21, 2010

I love being a girl!

As I was blow drying my hair this morning (which is much easier when it's cold, since I have long, thick hair)I was thinking how much fun I have getting ready for the day. I have always enjoyed doing my makeup and trying new looks with it. I love dressing up and curling my hair.

But for some reason it has become "girly" (in a bad way) to like these things. I think women are so different and no we don't need a bunch of makeup to look good, but I don't think it's bad to like to be "girly." there are plenty of athletes who were pink or get sparkly before they run a race or play a volleyball tournament and so on.

All i am saying is we should embrace the "girly" and if you don't like it, don't knock the ones who do. It is just fun for us. I could sit and do my makeup and be so happy the whole time I am doing it. Us "girly" girls just like it.

Yes I completely realize I am shouting my (girly) side right now, but i don't care. :)

Talk to you later!


  1. I forgot to say I am posting this from an Ipad and I love it and want one!!!

  2. I have learned to love being girly. I haven't always :) How fun to post from an ipad. I didn't like the keyboard so my hubs is safe for now :D I am hoping however that "santa" brings me new running shoes. :D
