Monday, October 26, 2009

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Well here goes I have not been blow drying my hair every chance I can get because, I was not so hot in the summer to do anything with it. My son did not inform me today (as he always had when I was little) "I don't like your hair up." Kids are honest.

I have not ever picked up all the clothes and put them on the bed in hopes to sort and do laundry with them, only to throw them back on the floor cause I did not forget to do something with them during the day and it is now bedtime. I also do not forget my laundry in the dryer and then do not find it still in there three days later, not me I am organized! I also have not picked up a shirt, smelled it to see if it smelled of formula or had a stain to then throw it on and go.

I do not have a regular diet meal plan I follow, and when its time for Talon to eat I do not feed him pb and j's for dinner. Not me, I have well balanced dinners here. I also did not find really low calorie dinners, just so I could have dessert!

Very last, I did not put my now four month old son in the nursery at church on Sunday, and I did not watch the number box almost the whole time, I heard the man, was from the bible i am sure.

So that's me, hope you enjoy.


  1. I love your blogs Rachel! Just wait until I am back on a schedule again, then I will come up with blog stuff as cute as yours :) not me Monday is my favorite, I have to exercise my brain to figure out what you are talking about ;)

  2. lol Kim I have to do the same when i read other not me Mondays.

  3. I love it! Bailey is 19 months and i STILL watch for my number during the whole service. :D
