Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Laundry, Costco and more!

Ok so Monday I start off with a load of laundry and start to clean the house from the weekend. But I realize that I never finished the laundry from the week before, so now I have to fold those clothes. (which are probably two loads worth) Then I realize the boys have no clothes so I have to do there's too, and bed sheets need to be washed, and it just ends up being a lot of laundry, and now you see why I never get it finished. If its not the bathroom towels, or the blanket we put Aiden on so that he doesn't puke all over the rug, it is something else over flowing.

I always try to have a positive attitude about the chores of a household. Because they have to get done so I might as well try to enjoy myself while doing it. But laundry is one I can not get positive about. It is never ending!

On another note I love Costco, for most things! Trash bags that we got when my son was maybe two, were used for almost everything and today I think I am seeing the end of them. Also, toilet paper, for some reason from Costco last longer then the store bought kind.! Not to mention the fun things that are there for less price then somewhere else, like coffee creamer, eggs, frozen veggies, cheese, meat, and the soaps!! Just wanted to give Costco a shout out!

I know I ramble, but it is kind of how my brain is right now. :)


  1. HURRAY! I didn't know you blog :O) I'll be back to check it out!!!

  2. woohooo! I love that you blog! I have been blogging since I got pregnant in 2005 and I love it!

    1. Laundry is my worst chore as well... I can get it all done and even folded, but I hate putting it away. It doesn't take long, but something in my head just makes me think it takes way more effort than it does. It drives my poor hubby crazy because he ends up having to do his own laundry ocassionally (i am such a crap wife sometimes lol)

    2. Costco is the best!!! Martin and i sometimes go there on Saturday mornings (around 10:30 is best) and just get free samples! Martin will try things there that he'd never try at home and if he's still hungry afterwards, hot dogs or pizza for less than $2.00 is such a good deal! 1 hour entertainment for free to $2 is a great deal if ya ask me! :))

  3. This could have been written by me. :D
