Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Day 1

Today, is about yesterdays run, pacifiers, and fences.

Well the matter at hand is the run. I ran my three miles yesterday to start my training. I had a babysitter watch the kids so I could start off strong. It felt great!! I even had a ten minute mile...I know not too fast, but for me to jump right back into a ten minute mile was just what I needed. I ran at lake murray, and even though I breathe like I am dieing, and it may hurt sometimes, I just kept telling myself "if it were easy everyone would be doing it." That is usually the pep talk I give myself, among others. Not very sore today, but was not expecting to be.

Again this is the training within my life, so you get the other stories as well. Which one, is a pacifier. It was not so helpful with my first son. But the day Denise got Aiden to take the little blue passy they give you, my life was changed! They are wonderful really, in the car, in public places and especially for night time! But now we are saying goodbye! I don't want Aiden to speak funny because he is always trying to talk with the pacifier in his mouth. Also at 3am he would wake up looking for it, and I like getting sleep. It is hard for me, because I just think he looks cute with it in his mouth. But this will be good. As of right now, he is screaming himself to sleep..."I wont give in, I wont give in!"

Then comes the fence. The fence in our backyard, (which we rent so technically not our backyard) but our neighbor, wants to fix the fence, and have someone help him. To bring you to speed on things, my husband and his business partner work so hard, they don't have much time for anything else. Especially for a fence they don't think needs fixing. But it is getting fix (with a fuss by neighbor boy) and we can't go in our backyard for two days. Not much to say more, just venting it out so I don't think about it.

Well, that is all. The training part going good so far but it is only day 1, so we will see on day 20, mile 60. (?)


  1. Oh no! I'm the one that started the whole passy thing! Well, Avery had hers until she was 2 and we put multiple ones in her bed, so she could always find one; we also had her only using it at naps and bedtime towards the end and then we were able to wean her a little easier. I think you are doing great, I know it is rough. Good Job running too!

  2. One of my favorite quotes from Jillian is "get comfortable with being uncomfortable." :)
